As a member of Wytheville Community College’s student body, you are considered to be a responsible adult. Your conduct while in class, on-campus, or participating in any other college-sponsored activity should reflect that adult responsibility. The college considers you the primary person who is responsible for your conduct.

The great majority of students conduct themselves appropriately. In those cases in which a student’s behavior may be outside of the bounds of what is expected, the college reserves the right to take disciplinary action as needed to preserve order and/or to maintain an effective educational environment. Generally, the college will initiate disciplinary action when a student engages in any conduct not authorized by the college that disrupts the educational pursuits of other students, the maintenance of order, the educational environment on campus, or the proper functioning of the college. Examples of conduct for which a student may be subject to disciplinary action include but are not necessarily limited to the following:

• Academic cheating or plagiarism.

• Disruptive behavior in classrooms, on campus, or at any other college-sponsored activity.

• Unauthorized use or possession of firearms or fireworks.

• Possession of alcoholic beverages.

• Gambling.

• Intentionally furnishing false information to the college.

• Forgery, unauthorized alteration, or misuse of college documents, records, or identification.

• Assault and battery or threats of bodily harm to students, faculty or staff.

• Destruction, damage, defacing or misuse of public or private property.

• Theft, larceny, or embezzlement.

• Writing bad checks to pay bills owed to the college.

• Obscene conduct or public profanity.

• Accessing obscene and pornographic materials on the college’s computers.

• Manufacture, sale, possession, distribution, or use of narcotics, marijuana, or other controlled substances.

• Illegal entry and/or occupation of state property.

• Sexual harassment/sexual misconduct.

• Using the college’s name for soliciting funds or other activity without authorization from a proper college authority.

• Intentionally violating copyright laws.

• Cell phone usage in class.